'Boomercross' is an extension of an early 90's work, which has a direct connection to the Southern Cross constellation - CRUX and the Boomerang. These two elements connect on a number of levels. The placement, distance and direction link the piece in a number of ways. It speaks about space, flight, time, the universe, the outback, spirituality, navigation, place and identity. A variety of readings are evident in the selection of forms, symbols, and the placement in this environment. From my travels around Australia over many years, I have developed works that explore the character of the landscape and forms within it. The vast and extensive Australian outback is an inspiration for many of my sculptures that emerge in a new form and identity. |
Using the speed of light as our standard, we can do some highly instructive time travel simply by looking skyward. Oddly enough, we can never see the universe as it used to be in the past. For instance the moon is about 250,000 miles away and light can travel that distance in 2 seconds, so we see the moon as it was 2 seconds ago. Light takes 8 minutes to reach us from the Sun. Now consider the bright star Alpha Centauri, one of the two 'pointer' stars of the Southern Cross The distance is 4.3 light years away. Look at it now and you see what it was 4 years ago. Now the leading star in the cross Acrux, the distance is over 300 light years away. So we are seeing how it used to be 300 years ago. If for some reason Acrux ceased to shine we would know anything had happened to it for another 300 years in time. |
RonROWE Sculpture / Digital Art / Ceramics / Drawings / Photography